June may be the default season for bridals and all, but for some reason, avoiding another heaven forbid flood or typhoon, brides have moved their wedding dates to summer where our only enemy is the scorching sun and traffic is relatively less than say a December wedding. Well, technically June is sorta summer-like as well as the showers start pouring in July. Anyway, praying for sunny wedding days to all my brides and (future) brides this year and in the future as I journey on to wedding makeup, here are the results from our bridal shoot a few weeks ago:
I told you guys, Karina looks very much like Nicole!

We did makeup here using the traditional method, since the very outdoorsy location didn't have outlets for hair equipment or for my airbrush compressor, but I used long-lasting products so her makeup withstands makeup meltdown. I experimented on using pewters and plums as well on her too, so I get to have more color palettes for brides.
Model: Karina Cabiling
Photographer: Christine Day Lorico
Gowns: Jazel Sy
Casting: Yeoh Egwaras
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