I'll be starting to add sections like these in my blog called Industry Spotlight, featuring the brightest and best people that I've worked with, most of them my good friends. These are not necessarily bloggers or makeup artists but models, photographers, stylists, designers, both male and female. It's time that they finally get noticed and take the spotlight since they deserve it after working really hard to be on top without putting anyone down.

Behind the camera assisting at a photoshoot (above) and as a photographer (below).

For my first feature, I'll be featuring Yeoh Egwaras. I met Yeoh during a party at Fiamma last year and since then, we got to be really close friends. Right now, he's based in Naga, he still makes it a point to keep in touch. Actually, Yeoh's forwarded text was the first text message I got for the day. Aside from being a model, he's also a blogger. Check out his blog dedicated to the best and beautiful women models with tips on how to get started. I like how he writes, which has an amusing, frank, and honest tone, with no frills and ruffles. Simple, straightforward, with a bit of humor. 

When I asked him if he would like to be my first Industry Spotlight feature, he was like, "Are you serious?" Well, I couldn't think of a better person to start of with than one of my closest and smartest friends. More than working hard, he always makes it a point to keep in touch, to make his friends know that he still would be there for them despite being in the province.
Hello Yeoh how are you?
Am awesome.just got back from the gym

Yeoh's first photoshoot, taken by Sheng Du.
Anyway, thanks for letting me interview you. So Multiply knows you more as a model. When was it that you decided you wanted to model? Did you just wake up and say, "Hey! I want to be a model NOW NA!"

I modeled before because of my older sister. She took me to go sees when I was 17 but I never took it seriously. I started getting photoshoots when I turned 20, and found myself loving it. You get to work with awesome, really talented people. And it's great fun. You get dressed up and made up. I was never used to that.
And it sure is fun. What do you prefer doing, ramp or print/shoots?
I'm usually too short for ramp, but I love it when I get to do fashion shows. There's a rush when your backstage lined up and the music starts to play.

Aside from being in front of the camera, you've ventured also in photography, like taking pictures during fashion shows and events plus even helping us in styling the model or assisting in shoots. Being in front of the camera most of the time, why the enthusiasm of working behind the camera, even as an assistant?
It's fun. You become part of something creative, and everytime you get a really good photo who get a rush. And I usually just work with friends so it's the time we bond.

So you don't get the feeling like, "Hey, I'm a model, why am I the one assisting the model being shot?"
No. Not at all. Hahaha. I model, but that's work it doesn't really define who you are and how you should think or act.
Okay, so that's model, photographer, assistant, stylist, PA, and now you're blogging. Tell us about your blog.
It's called "Yeoh Will Blog About Girls. Really Pretty Ones". I wanted a blog that featured the top and also aspiring models from our country and around the world. I felt like all the other model blogs in the Philippines are filled with photos of half-naked male models (heeey!!!!... :P)-some not models at all-, and I just wanted to showcase that girl Filipino models are awesome and we should be more appreciative and to an extent be proud of them.
Now I see an event date. Okay I'm kidding. Next question is... tetetetenen...who are the models you look up to?
I look up to people I have worked with actually, models my age who started at almost the same time. We learn from each other. I always say that in this kind of work, you wouldn't last if you you don't have good friends who constantly urge you to go to go-sees no matter how many times you get rejected, and refer you to modelling jobs when they can.

We all are plagued with haters who spam hate comments in Facebook, Multiply, or even blogs. How do you suggest to deal with them?
They can hate all they want, but they never can or should affect you and how you see yourself.
You have so many friends, and just this Sunday, all our models at the shoot happen to be your friends. What's your secret with fantastic people skills?
I guess that's something i got from my Dad, he talks to everyone and has friends everywhere. LOL.
You blogged about having a strong headshot and you produce pretty strong headshots yourself. Any tips you'd like to share?
Practice in front of the mirror. That's all there is too it. You have to know your angles when you wanna model. It's your job to know you flaws and how you can hide them.

Modelling does have an expiration date, and even the most famous international models would soon stop strutting runways and do designer campaigns. If your time came to retire from modelling, what would your career be?
I think I'd be writing for a magazine or newspaper. It doesnt have to be fashion or anything related to that. I like giving my opinions and sharing to the world your ideas and your emotions.
Okay super bonus question: what would be your dream campaign shoot?
Haven't really thought of that before. haha. But anything shot by Mario Testino would be awesome.
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