Just the other night, I woke up at 2:00 a.m. to study my book and to re-pack my stuff. I was supposed to meet Mike, Nix, and Jona at Mike's place at 10:00 a.m. but since I needed an upper, I passed by Starbucks for coffee before passing at Mike's. We got at Greenbelt at 11:00 a.m. where we did the necessary preps, set-ups and dry runs. We met up Faye there and we set up the equipment at the cinema, and kept our tummies full. Of course, makeup artists and models had to look good so we prepped up too. Thanks Gina to my fantabulous curls!
Our first-ever makeup workshop with a bonus of movie showing opened its gates at 12:30 p.m. where people started registering. Rather than staying inside and going zen, I opted to go outside and calm my nerves while talking. It's my first time actually to teach makeup to a huge crowd of 40 people in a movie house. So imagine my nervousness reaching entire heights. Had to clown around and be kooky of course!
After kooky it was time to get serious, and teaching. Nix started off with teaching the basic tools and skin care, and the basic tools covers the question, "Which brush to use?" narrowing brushes for personal use only. After which, I started with the basic daytime look. This look is what I call fresh look, which is perfect for daytime, office, or just going out and you want to look fresh. Nix proceded to teaching an easy smokey eye technique. Here, she stresses that smokey eyes aren't just for large eyes. We specifically chose a model with Oriental features, so we could show that there are smoky eyes for everyone. After the usual tutorial, we were give moments to answer questions from our audience, and this was continued on when we mingled during the intermission before the movie. Basically, knowing the right color for you is a result of experience and experimenting.

That's me on the left with Faye, my model, and Nix with Jona on the right. This was taken after the smoky eyes and during the question and answer. I love Gina for giving me my super long-lasting curls that lasted up to the night. It lasted longer than my feet did on 4-inch high heels. We also raffled out prizes to our participants. Parking for the participants was also free that day.
The event ended with the showing of the blockbuster movie, New Moon, complete with food of course. Since this was held at MyCinema, seats were limited and participants were at a first-come, first-serve basis. We do plan on having more workshops like these in the future, and we're happy how our first one turned out fun and the comments we also received. Of course, we did take note of how we could improve the workshop too. This definitely won't be the last event from Mantra Productions! We were happy too that our participants were able to learn from the workshop, and a friend told me she was inspired to put on makeup after, which is one of our goals. With that, we're inspired to have more of these as well.
These are the faces of happy people - our producer, Mike, me, and Nix. Smiles of sweet success!
Thanks to all our participants who came. To those who couldn't make it, we hope to see you all next time. This blog would keep everyone posted too.
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