Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Friend's Multiply Got Hacked

My friend told me last night tas his Multiply was hacked. He woke up from a nap and apparently, some people texted him that he posted offensive stuff in Multiply. Later on, his modelling albums got deleted one by one. Someone hacked his account. That hacker posted nasty comments in other people's guestbooks and also posted an offensive blog. Good thing he was online at that time so he was able to do serious damage control before it was too late.

Just this morning, I found out that not only did his modelling albums get deleted but also his personal pictures including his graduation pictures.

Hackers/posers, or whatever you call it, seriously, people, do these people have anything else to do but wast 3 hours of time destroying other people and wiping out a year of hard work? Gawd... I could think of 1,001 things to do when I'm bored.

As his friends, we all blogged to his defense and helped him stop the hacker. We also saved and grouped some of his modelling portfolios so that he could put up his site all over again. A friend of ours even tried to trace the hacker.

As a word of precaution, let's be careful of our Multiply sites. Many of us use Multiply as revenue for our portfolios not just because everyone's there but it's free, customizable, and user-friendly. Let's use passwords that are safe yet unpredictable and never reveal our passwords to anyone.

Take care all!

1 comment:

AskMeWhats said...

thanks for letting us know such person exist!