Before I was a makeup artist, I was a blogger. If you've followed me long enough, before I traded my pedal and headset and kicked off my office pumps for my malette and flats, I spent like a couple of hours of my office time blogging. It's been close to my heart and as I dove into the blogging world more, I've met new friends and found out more about the world of blogging in the Philippines. Blogs are actually very influential. Most of my friends who buy gadgets consult tech blogs first before buying. Travellers consult travel blogs before visiting a destination. And of course, I've found many good eats by stalking blogs on food. I discovered my favorite coffee place down south while stalking a blog.
Angel? That's Ryan with Noreen.
Aside from Erika, Jane also gets mistaken to be my sister. I am so loving her yoga outfit. Jane and I have similarities - we both love pink, we're kikay but one-of-the-boys, and we're both addicted to yoga, but I'm not as limber as she is as I haven't taken classes yet.
I have the absolute honor of dolling up writer/host/actor/superman/funnyman/blogger RJ Ledesma for this shoot. This guy never fails to make us laugh all the time.
Here's everyone's favorite food blogger, Arpee, dreaming of an iPad

Jane and I ambush Jayvee during his turn for this shot.
Piling up Jayvee with gadgets. He and Mike disagreed when I brought out the curling iron (Hey that's still a gadget right?)

For the shots, you could check out Of course these aren't the final people as there would be more bloggers added in the database. By the way guys, there's currently a logo-making contest so feel free to join!
Mike, who's blogging as well and I thought one day of doing a blogger shoot. Actually, I've been wanting to shoot with bloggers but didn't know how to start and was too shy to approach people. Mike suddenly had a brilliant idea, hence the birth of
We started shooting food bloggers first, with Arpee, Juned, and Ryan leading the helm. From this, we shot more bloggers in their various niches. The purpose of Blognapinoy is actually to create a database of various Filipino bloggers according to their niches. This could be very helpful for those searching for blogs. All they have to do is to go to the site and search the blog that interests them.
With me working with my favorite people and bringing two of my loves together - makeup and blogging, I'm definitely enjoying the shoot. It also gives time for bloggers to really bond and just have fun and be glamorous.
Some behind-the-scenes photos too. Since I was busy doing both makeup and hair, I was able to take only few BTS shots, so I'd like to thank my blogger friends who took these shots too.

Second batch of bloggers: Noreen, Zee, Fritz, and the makeup artist - me. Notice I was completely made up here. This is because I also was shot during this day.

yet Juned seems to disagree.
The men behind the lens... EJ for the behind-the-scenes shots and Mike, busy at work.

Piling up Jayvee with gadgets. He and Mike disagreed when I brought out the curling iron (Hey that's still a gadget right?)

A shot that spells "Bloggers Rule!" with the master. Although Arpee and Juned have already been shot, they still visit the shoot for moral support. :)

Thanks to everyone who made this project possible.
1 comment:
Hey bambi, nice working with the team :) Looking forward to future shoots ...
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