I hope the new year and holiday celebration/s turned out really good for all of us. Pre-Christmas, I had back-to-back work that my sleep patterns went supah-dupah haywire making me sleep at 12 and wake up at 5 only to fall asleep and wake up at 8 -on a lazy day. During the holiday break, I was glad to take a few days off and normalize my sleeping patterns, and go to the mall to just have fun instead of work. Although I didn't travel as much as I did last 2008, I'm happy that my travel taking a backside paved way for more work for me and opened myself to new opportunities in meeting other people, working on collaborations, and really focusing more on my craft. I'm happy being able to do more magazine shoots this time, and even got a chance to do a spread for a well-known international magazine. Aside from shoots, I was able to do fashion shows and even work for theater and the makeup counter.
As a makeup artist, I was able to think out of the box and really work on my creativity and far from the "safe" pegs into something more outrageous. Racking my brains for inspirations was a real challenge for me, to thinking "How can my work be original?" or "What's something that I haven't done?" I've conquered my fear of eyebrows and in fact, although I do not do them 100% perfectly, I'm no longer afraid of playing with them.
I've also established into living and promoting the healthy lifestyle last year. Although I still drink cocktails occasionally, I'm proud to be 100% smoke-free. In fact, whenever there's a shoot concept, I politely refuse if it involves me holding a cigarette unless it's an anti-smoking campaign. Thanks also to my health-buff friends, I've been hooked on a regular exercise program, something which I'm thankful for since it helped me to be stronger and improved my muscle tone. Although I did lose weight towards the latter part of the year due to the work influx, I was still healthy in a sense that I didn't get sick a lot or was I rushed to the hospital for another ulcer attack.
I guess I was happier now than I was last year. I'm happy for the opportunities I got this year and the new people I have met and those people who have constantly stood by me. I'm happy also and thankful for the people that were before on a hi-hello basis to me that later on became my close friends. I admit I did lose some along the way, and I did have a whole lot of eye-opening experiences, but I guess nothing happens without a reason.
My goal this year is to just keep doing better at what I do and to just be happy and true to myself in any field I am in whether it be writing, modelling, makeup, or styling. I still believe on picking up a few more skills along the way. This year, I plan to ressurect my acting, a field i surely missed and to do more on the styling and makeup. Modelling ia definitely still there but with my age, I guess it's now time to be choosier with the pegs I do. As modelling would take a quasi-backseat, I want to do more travelling this year. I'm set to fly to the U.S. for a short stint next month and I hope to do more out-of-town and out-of-country gigs.
One thing I'd like to do more this year are weddings. I have a wedding to do in a few months and I hope to do more of these next time. I'm up to building my wedding makeup portfolio soon, side-by-side with my glamour and fashion portfolio.
And I end this post with my first-ever shoot for 2010 - where I modelled for Manny Librodo's photography workshop where I also did my own makeup and styling.
and here's proof thanks to Harie who took my rollers shot :P

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